Treatment options for heavy periods
There are various treatment options for women who have heavy periods, including medication, hormonal contraceptives and surgery. Knowing about the pros and cons of the different options can make it easier to choose an appropriate treatment.
If heavy periods become too difficult to cope with, treatment can help. Different types of medication can reduce the bleeding and related problems. Hormonal contraceptives like birth control pills or hormonal IUDs (coils) affect the menstrual cycle and lessen the amount of bleeding. If one medication doesn't work, it is usually possible to try out other kinds. Sometimes surgery can help.
The choice of treatment and the best time for treatment will depend on whether a woman is planning to have (more) children. The most effective treatments all limit a woman's ability to get pregnant – either temporarily, like the pill, or permanently, like the surgical removal of the womb (hysterectomy).
But as long as the heavy periods aren’t causing anemia, they don’t necessarily have to be treated. Some women learn ways to prepare as well as possible for “heavier” days. But it’s a good idea to see a doctor and try to find out what the cause is