How can you protect yourself and others from syphilis?

Condoms can protect you from syphilis, but not one hundred percent. People who are at higher risk of STIs (sexually transmitted infections) should have regular tests so that an infection can be detected and treated early, and not passed on to others.
Syphilis is passed on through sexual contact. It is caused by bacteria that usually first infect the genital area. As time goes by, they spread throughout the whole body. People who are infected can infect others, especially during sex – even if they don’t have any symptoms.
The main way to protect yourself and others from syphilis is to get information and advice on what it is and how it’s spread. Doctors, local health departments and sexual health clinics can help here. Learning more about syphilis and its effects might encourage you to protect yourself – for example, by using condoms or getting tested regularly.
There are no medications that effectively prevent syphilis infections when applied directly to the skin or membranes: Germ-killing gels and vaginal suppositories have not been shown to prevent syphilis in studies. There is no vaccine for syphilis.