Brain and nerves

The brain processes sensory and other information received from the nervous system. It also sends messages back to all parts of the body.

Brain and nerves from A to Z

Popular in Brain and nerves

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    How does the tongue work?

    The tongue is a true all-rounder. It is not only extremely flexible, allowing us to speak, swallow or suck in a coordinated way. It is also a sensory...

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    How does our sense of taste work?

    The strong link between taste and emotions has to do with our evolution: Taste helped us to “test” the food we ate, so it was important for our survi...

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    How does the ear work?

    The ear picks up sound waves and transforms them into electrical signals which travel along nerves to the brain. The signals are interpreted by the b...

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    Vision is the result of a complex process. For our brain to be able to create an image of our surroundings, the eye needs to convert light into elect...

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    How does the nervous system work?

    The nervous system is made up of all the nerve cells in your body. It takes in information through our senses, processes the information and triggers...