I never liked having my period
In the last few years before they finally stopped, my periods were very light, but I had them more often. Sometimes they were longer, and sometimes they only lasted two days.
I never liked having my period. I think it’s annoying. And at first, when they start becoming so irregular, having to always be prepared and carry tampons and stuff on you. In the last few years I haven't had to worry about that. If I didn’t have my hot flashes, I wouldn’t think about it at all nowadays.
I enjoy not having periods anymore. They always came pretty late. I always got cramps, and my breasts hurt. If the kids bumped against me or I had to climb stairs, it hurt. I'm so happy that's no longer an issue. I never wore white trousers in the summer because I never knew when I'd get my period. Some women get their period every 28 days. I never did. I feel like jumping for joy when I think about it.
Maybe some women think: 'Now I will never be able to have a child.' I never thought that way, but I can imagine that others might. I didn’t feel that way about it, but things were different for me: I wasn’t able to have another child for other health reasons, so I had already accepted that fact. It was no longer an issue for me when I reached menopause. I'd been through all that before.