The "fibroid" diagnosis took me by surprise
I was also examined in the gynecology department. They didn't actually find anything that was causing my poor blood count and high blood pressure. But they did find out that my womb was considerably enlarged and recommended that I have a hysterectomy. A fibroid was causing the enlargement. That took me by surprise because I hadn't noticed anything and didn't have any symptoms. It later turned out that my womb was five times heavier than normal because of the fibroid. But I don't know if I had only one or several fibroids. Nobody told me and I didn't ask.
It was clear to me that I wanted a hysterectomy, and wanted to get it over and done with as quickly as possible. So I stayed in hospital and the operation was carried out. The doctors operated through my vagina. That was really important to me. I didn't want a cut across my belly.