The list or table should have the following information in it:
- Name of the medicine: Active ingredient (the drug responsible for the medicine's effect) and trade name
- Dose (how much) and dosage form: for example, a 100 mg tablet
- When you take it, and how much: for instance, one tablet in the morning and one tablet in the evening
- Special notes: for example, keep in the refrigerator, don’t take with dairy products, or take directly after breakfast
- What the medication is for: for instance, for high blood pressure, pain, or iron deficiency
Example of a filled-in table:
Drug: ibuprofen
Trade name: Arthro IBU
Dose: 800 mg
Dosage form: Tablet
Schedule (when): 1-0-0-0 (1 tablet every morning)
Unit: One piece
Notes: Take directly after breakfast
Reason: Knee pain (osteoarthritis)
Under “Notes,” you could also add when you started using the medication and when you’re supposed to take it until. You could also include the date of your next follow-up doctor's appointment.
For example:
Started July 07, 2021 – next appointment on July 28, 2021
You can also fill the table out on your computer or device and save it there.