Skin care and topical treatments

Mild psoriasis can usually be treated effectively using medication applied directly to the skin (topical treatments). Ointments, creams and solutions containing steroids (topical corticosteroids) and vitamin D analogues have proven to help and be well tolerated. Daily skin care is very important too.
Good skin care is an essential part of treatment for psoriasis. Applying creams every day can keep the skin supple and protect it. It's important to follow this daily skin care routine during symptom-free phases too.
The typical areas of affected skin (plaques) can be treated with medication that is applied to the skin (topical treatments), light therapy (phototherapy), and medication that is swallowed or injected. Topical treatments are often effective in mild to moderate cases of psoriasis. The medications can be applied in the form of ointments, creams, solutions or foams.