I found it really hard to cope with
Sometimes when my skin was particularly bad my mom would say things like, "Look at the state of you!" That was the worst thing for me. Especially if I had just spent hours covering everything up and thought it wasn't that noticeable anymore. That ruined everything. It made me want to just crawl back into bed again. My brothers and sisters teased me a lot too.
What made things even more difficult for me was the fact that my skin changed at a time in my life when I really cared about my appearance. I felt ugly and unbearable to look at. It was really hard to cope with.
It's not just that your skin looks bad, but you can feel the pimples and infections the whole time too. You're constantly aware of them and can't forget that they are there. I had infected zits under my skin that became hard so I couldn't squeeze them. They made my skin feel tight. They didn't hurt much, but I always knew they were there because I could feel them all the time.