Here you will find topics that include information on medical services that you have to pay for yourself. In Germany, these out-of-pocket tests and treatments are often called “individuelle Gesundheitsleistungen” (individual health care services), or “IGeL” for short. Their benefit is often controversial.
Individual health care services (IGeL) from A to Z
There are two kinds of non-melanoma skin cancer. They are much more common than melanoma skin cancer. Non-melanoma skin cancer grows very slowly, onl...
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in men. But it is also one of the types of cancer with the best chances of recovery. It...
Melanoma skin cancer often looks like a dark mole. It can grow fast and spread to other parts of the body (metastasis). The treatment options mainly ...
As we age, we may develop eye diseases that make it more difficult to see well, or that can sometimes have serious consequences. Glaucoma is one of t...