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If a child wets the bed, parents often ask themselves what they might have done wrong. But bedwetting isn’t usually anyone’s “fault.” Knowing that can be comforting, for the child too. Staying relaxed about it and taking practical measures can help make it easier to cope with these nighttime accidents.

Treatment can be a good idea if the bedwetting is causing problems for the family or has become an emotional burden – as long as the child is ready and willing. And there are various things you can do to make dealing with bedwetting easier for everyone involved.

For instance, a nightlight and/or an easy-to-reach light switch in the hallway or bathroom can help the child reach the toilet quickly. Keeping a potty next to the bed is an option if the child has difficulty making it in time. If the child’s room isn’t close enough to the bathroom, it might be worth considering switching rooms, if possible. There are also special diaper pants for older children. Some children like to wear them, others don’t.

What can you do if the bed gets wet?

If you’re well prepared, it doesn’t take long to make the bed again and everyone can get back to sleep quickly. For instance, you can

  • protect the child’s mattress with waterproof pads, sheets or covers. There are also washable protective covers for duvets and pillows.
  • lay out clean pajamas, fresh bedsheets and covers – or a second set of clean bedding ready to put on the bed.
  • make sure you have enough time in the morning to do the washing and have the child shower.

Depending on how old the child is, they can also help to make the bed, or learn to do it themselves.

Protective covers, bedding and clothing sometimes still smell even after being washed. Soaking them in warm water that has been mixed with baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) or a few drops of eucalyptus oil can help to get rid of the odor. You can also add antibacterial laundry sanitizer to the wash.

Hygiene and cleanliness

Children who smell of urine may well be avoided at their kindergarten or school, or by their friends. For this and other reasons, it’s important that the child has a shower in the morning. Airing out the room can help get rid of the smell. Scented oils or sprays can also be used.

Morning hygiene routines – such as taking a shower and putting on cream – can lower the chances of a rash, too. The child may get a rash if their skin has been in contact with urine for several hours. Rashes can be treated with ointments or creams that have zinc oxide or dexpanthenol in them, for instance. These can be prescribed by a doctor. Children who wear a diaper or special absorbent pants at night are more likely to develop rashes because their skin is exposed to urine for longer. Having eczema or other skin conditions also increases the likelihood of developing rashes.

Talking to children about bedwetting

The speed at which bladder control develops is influenced by genes, so bedwetting problems often run in the family. The child might find it helpful to know that other people in their family had the same problem when they were younger. That way, he or she will realize that bedwetting is nothing unusual and that people grow out of it sooner or later. It can also help to know that other children of the same age probably have the same problem, even if they never talk about it.

It is important for children to realize that there’s nothing wrong with them just because it’s taking a bit longer for them to stop having accidents at night. They may be just as developed, or even further than other children, in other areas. Knowing this can boost their self-esteem and make it easier for them to deal with the problem.

What emotional effects might bedwetting have?

The role that emotional triggers might play in bedwetting has long been discussed. But worries and emotional problems are more likely to be a result of bedwetting, and not the cause: Children who wet their bed often feel ashamed or guilty and have low self-esteem. Most of them are very embarrassed about their bladder control problem. If friends or schoolmates find out about it, that makes it even worse.

Emotional problems are more likely to be a cause of bedwetting in cases where a child who used to be dry at night starts wetting their bed again. This is called secondary enuresis.

Many parents and families try to be patient about bedwetting problems. They help their child as best they can and wait until he or she “grows out of it.” But it’s not always easy for parents to stay calm or cheerful in the middle of the night. They may become impatient and annoyed, particularly if their child doesn’t seem to want to stop wetting the bed. It is often upsetting for the child to see how annoyed or exhausted their parents are, though.

The child’s self-esteem might also be affected if you keep trying out treatments that end up not working. It is important to be there for them and make sure they aren't teased by siblings. The child’s self-esteem usually improves when the bedwetting stops.

Getting over feelings of embarrassment

Sometimes parents also feel embarrassed about their child wetting the bed, or feel ashamed of their child. They worry about what others might think or say about their child.

Many children probably feel the same way: They compare themselves with other children their age and worry about people finding out and making fun of them. For this reason, many children who wet the bed drink less or avoid situations that could be embarrassing, like going on class trips or sleeping at friends’ houses. Some children also refuse to have friends stay over at their house because they worry that their friends might notice things that could reveal their problem, like waterproof bed sheets or a urine smell.

But if the child would like to, it’s worth trying to let him or her stay overnight with understanding friends. Some children stay dry more easily if they sleep somewhere else. This may be because their sleep is lighter when they aren’t in their own bed. Having a change of clothes ready and wearing inconspicuous protective underwear can limit awkwardness if an accident does happen after all.

Some parents are afraid to talk about bedwetting with anyone outside of the family, such as with other mothers and fathers they know. But sharing your concerns with others can be a big help.

Caldwell PH, Deshpande AV, Von Gontard A. Management of nocturnal enuresis. BMJ 2013; 347: f6259.

Cederblad M, Nevéus T, Åhman A et al. "Nobody Asked Us if We Needed Help": Swedish parents experiences of enuresis. J Pediatr Urol 2014; 10(1): 74-79.

McKillop A, MacKay B, Scobie N. A programme for children with nocturnal enuresis. Nurs Stand 2003; 17(43): 33-38.

Sanders C. Choosing continence products for children. Nurs Stand 2002; 16(32): 39-43.

IQWiG health information is written with the aim of helping people understand the advantages and disadvantages of the main treatment options and health care services.

Because IQWiG is a German institute, some of the information provided here is specific to the German health care system. The suitability of any of the described options in an individual case can be determined by talking to a doctor. informedhealth.org can provide support for talks with doctors and other medical professionals, but cannot replace them. We do not offer individual consultations.

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Updated on May 18, 2022

Next planned update: 2025


Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG, Germany)

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