Stool test: Information for men

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Fecal occult blood tests (FOBTs) can detect hidden traces of blood that may come from cancer or in the bowel. If traces of blood are found, a colonoscopy is done to find out what is causing them. It has been proven that, when combined with a colonoscopy, FOBTs can lower the risk of dying of .

FOBTs detect non-visible (occult) traces of blood in stool samples. "Hidden" blood in stool could be a sign of or cancer in the bowel. It is often caused by something else, though, such as an of the lining of the stomach (gastritis).

For that reason, stool tests are meant to be used as preliminary tests. If the FOBT results are abnormal, a colonoscopy is done to take a closer look. This is necessary in order to find out what is causing the bleeding. So doing an FOBT makes the most sense if you're also prepared to have a colonoscopy if the test results are abnormal.

In Germany, statutory health insurers will cover the costs of immunological stool tests that are done for this purpose. They are now used instead of the chemical stool tests because they are more accurate. Men between the ages of 50 and 54 can have one FOBT per year, and then one every two years after they turn 55. If the test detects traces of blood, the results of the colonoscopy that is then performed will determine what needs to be done next. If the colonoscopy doesn't find anything abnormal, your next colonoscopy will only be due ten years later. You won't need to have another stool test until then, either.

What does an FOBT involve?

Colorectal cancer is voluntary. If you would like to have an FOBT, you have to ask your doctor about it. The test will typically be handed out to you by a doctor who specializes in one of the following areas:

  • General medicine (family doctors or general practitioners)
  • Internal medicine
  • Urology

The doctor's practice will be able to answer any questions you have about using the test. The instructions that come with the test should be helpful too. The test is done at home. The test results will only be accurate if the stool sample is tested within five days. The doctor's practice will tell you when it has to be handed in by so that it can be tested in time.

The test package will contain everything that you need for taking the sample. Special paper is put into the toilet to catch the stool. The sample is then removed using a small stick. The sample is placed in a tube that can be sealed so it is airtight. The tube is put in an envelope and dropped off at the doctor's office. They send the sample to a lab for analysis.

Please note that the doctor's practice will only notify you if blood traces are found. If you don't hear anything, then the test results were normal.

How reliable are FOBTs?

FOBTs are relatively simple to do and have no direct side effects. But they aren't always very reliable. The test results are often abnormal, without cancer being the underlying cause. This is called a "false positive" test result. It can happen because other problems can result in bleeding too, including or inflammations in the stomach or bowel.

Also, and don't always leave traces of blood in stool. Because of this, any one blood test will fail to detect about 30% of tumors and many . This is called a false-negative test result. So it's important to take any bowel problems that concern you seriously – even if your last test results were normal.

What kind of results can you expect if you regularly have an FOBT?

Blood traces are found in the stool of about 50 out of 1,000 men who have FOBTs. These men are then invited to have a colonoscopy. The other men can have the test again every one to two years. The stool test is only helpful if you have it done regularly over the course of many years. But this will increase the chances of having abnormal results. The following illustration shows what results can be expected if 1,000 men regularly have an FOBT for ten years from the age of 50.

Illustration: At a glance: What happens if 1,000 men have a stool test (FOBT)?

Can regular FOBTs lower your risk of colorectal cancer?

Several studies have looked into what men can expect from regularly testing for hidden (occult) blood traces in their stool. The research shows that these stool tests can lower the risk of dying of . But there is no proof that they can lower the risk of getting this kind of cancer. The following tables summarize the main results separately – for men who are 50 years old and for men who are 60 years old. These results apply to a period of ten years, starting at the age given.

Out of 1,000 men who are 50 years old ...
  ... will die of :
Without 2
With the stool test (FOBT) 1 to 2
This means that out of 1,000 men ... ... death from is prevented in up to 1 more man.
Out of 1,000 men who are 60 years old ...
  ... will die of :
Without 6
With the stool test (FOBT) 5
This means that out of 1,000 men ... ... death from is prevented in 1 more man.

Other types of stool tests

Some doctors offer men other types of stool tests for that they would have to pay for themselves (in Germany these are known as "individual health care services," or IGeL for short). These include the M2-PK test and a stool DNA test. The M2-PK test looks for an enzyme that is thought to be a sign of bowel cancer when found in stool. The DNA test looks for fragments of genetic material from cancer cells found in stool. But tests for blood in the stool (FOBTs) are the only tests that have so far been shown to lower the risk of dying of . So you can safely turn down offers of any other types of tests.

Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG, Germany). Invitation and decision aid for bowel cancer screening: final report; commission P15-01. 2016.

Jodal HC, Helsingen LM, Anderson JC et al. Colorectal cancer screening with faecal testing, sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. BMJ Open 2019; 9(10): e032773.

Lin JS, Perdue LA, Henrikson NB et al. Screening for Colorectal Cancer: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force. JAMA 2021; 325(19): 1978-1997.

IQWiG health information is written with the aim of helping people understand the advantages and disadvantages of the main treatment options and health care services.

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Updated on September 13, 2021

Next planned update: 2025


Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG, Germany)

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