A life-changing experience
About six years ago, we went back to my hometown for a short break. I met up with some old friends and had a drink with them. We also ate well with my parents and drank with meals. When we got back home, I suddenly started getting pain in my upper belly that kept getting worse. It got so bad that my wife took me to hospital.
They quickly found that I had an inflamed pancreas. They kept me in for a few days, at first in intensive care. It was a pretty tough couple of days. It took quite a long time for the doctors to get the severe pain under control. That was a truly life-changing experience for me.
The question was: what had caused it? There are a lot of reasons for an inflammation like that, and often the cause isn’t clear. Alcohol is known to be a common cause, so that might have been a factor for me. I decided to stop drinking alcohol for a while.