
Most of us have problems like diarrhea, headaches or dizziness from time to time. Although they can be unpleasant, they usually go away quickly. If symptoms persist, they often have a specific cause, like an inflammation or injury. But sometimes doctors don’t find a clear explanation. Then the symptoms are considered to be medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUPS). People with these symptoms are sometimes said to have a functional disorder, somatoform disorder, or somatic symptom disorder. Even though the doctor can't find a cause, it doesn’t mean the symptoms are all in your head or you can’t do anything about them.
Having symptoms for no known reason can be unsettling – but they can often be relieved or even go away on their own within a few weeks. The main thing to do at first is stay active in daily life and find ways to manage the symptoms.
If the unexplained symptoms last a long time, it can become very frustrating and distressing. Then it's sometimes a good idea to get other help too, such as psychological support. Over the long term, medications help very little – if at all.
This information is mainly about adults. Some causes, symptoms and treatments are different in children.