Generalized anxiety disorder can have both emotional and physical effects. The emotional symptoms include fears that are always there, unrealistic and exaggerated. These fears affect different parts of people's lives. They aren’t a response to a threat, and aren’t always related to concrete things or situations. Doctors call this kind of anxiety "generalized" because these fears can be related to just about anything and aren't limited to specific situations.
One minute people may worry that their partner could have an accident on the way to work. The next, they might be afraid that their child could be hit by a car on the way to school, and then that they might lose their keys, and also that they could have a heart attack the next day. They worry about almost everything – including both big and small problems, and even extremely trivial things. Many are also afraid of being afraid, or worried about constantly worrying. The constant worrying has a major impact on everyday life and can really get you down. Particularly if you also have depression, an anxiety disorder can make you feel even more like life isn't worth living.
When you’re afraid, your adrenal glands release the hormone adrenaline (epinephrine). This speeds up many of the body’s functions – usually to temporarily increase alertness and our ability to respond. Your heart beats faster, and your breathing becomes shallow and rapid. This state of alarm, with a pounding or racing heart and shortness of breath, usually passes quickly. But in people who have generalized anxiety disorder, it often lasts longer and feels very unpleasant.
Other possible symptoms include drowsiness, nervousness and dizziness. Trembling, sweating, muscle cramps and stomach problems are also common.
Being worried all the time is exhausting, and may lead to problems concentrating and sleeping.
If you only feel anxious in certain situations, you probably don’t have generalized anxiety disorder. Sudden panic attacks are also not a sign of generalized anxiety disorder, although some people have both.