What needs to be done to prepare?
Before a gastroscopy, your doctor will tell you about the procedure, what it involves, and any associated risks. This includes information about mild sedatives or anesthetics you can be given to make the examination more comfortable. If you regularly use anticoagulants, you may need to stop taking them a few days before the gastroscopy. Your doctor will tell you how many hours before the gastroscopy you should stop eating or drinking. And after the examination you need to wait until the numbness in the back of your throat goes away.
The gastroscopy can only be done if you have signed a consent form first.
If you are given a sedative for the gastroscopy, you won't be allowed to drive a car or operate machinery for 12 to 24 hours afterwards. How long you need to wait depends on what type of sedative is used. Ideally, you should be picked up by someone or take a taxi home after the procedure. Some doctors recommend that someone comes to pick you up and take you home afterwards.