
At a glance

  • The typical signs of the flu (influenza) are fever, a headache, joint pain, and a stuffy or runny nose. The flu makes you feel very ill quite suddenly.
  • But the symptoms could also be milder or you might not notice them at all.
  • The flu is caused by viruses which are spread when you cough, sneeze or speak.
  • You can prevent the spread of the flu by washing your hands, keeping your hands away from your face and regularly letting fresh air into the room.
  • There is a vaccine for the flu.


Photo of woman blowing her nose

It is typical for the flu (influenza) to start suddenly. You might feel perfectly fine in the morning, but then be lying in bed with fever and chills and feeling very ill. The common cold, on the other hand, starts more slowly and is usually harmless. Colds are much more common than the flu.

The way the flu develops over time can vary. Sometimes it can be similar to a cold and only cause mild symptoms, or even none at all. It is a good idea to see a doctor if you have a bad case of the flu, and it may take some time before you fully recover.

Colds and the flu do have one thing in common, though: The treatment for both focuses on relieving the symptoms. The only medicines that target the flu viruses directly can at most reduce the time you are ill. But a number of things can be done to avoid in the first place.


Many symptoms of “real” flu are similar to those of a common cold or a COVID-19 . They might include fever, a headache, joint pain, and a stuffy or runny nose. But flu usually affects the entire body rather than just the airways. It typically starts suddenly with very severe symptoms. These usually improve a lot within one week. Coughing and exhaustion may last longer, though.

Flu symptoms include:

  • A fever between 38°C and 40°C (about 100-104°F) or higher
  • Muscle and joint pain throughout the entire body (myalgia and arthralgia)
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Chills
  • Severe and a general feeling of being very ill
  • Dry cough
  • Stuffy and/or runny nose
  • Loss of appetite
  • Extreme tiredness

Babies or toddlers may also have stomach and bowel trouble like nausea and vomiting.

Good to know:

Only about one third of people who have the flu experience the typical symptoms like fever, pain and . One third have only mild symptoms like those of a cold, and the final third don't notice the at all.

If you think you might have the flu, it may be a good idea to go to the doctor. This is especially important if you already have other medical conditions – such as a chronic lung disease or diabetes – that increase the risk of developing complications. It is also a good idea to seek medical advice if you have the flu and are in close contact with people who are at high risk.


Sinusitis (an inflammation of the sinus cavities) is one very common complication of the flu. Here the cavities surrounding the nose fill with an infectious fluid. Common symptoms of sinusitis include a headache and a stuffy nose.

Babies and young children often develop a middle ear infection when they have any kind of respiratory tract .

In rare cases, the flu can become more serious and lead to complications like pneumonia. The chances of this happening are especially high in people with a weakened , such as babies and toddlers, people over the age of 60, pregnant women or people who have a disease affecting their lungs or . Very severe flu can become life-threatening.


Flu and cold viruses are spread by means of droplet : when someone who is infected coughs or sneezes, droplets containing the viruses are released into the air. Viruses also get onto the tissue and your hands when you blow your nose. These viruses can then pass to other people or objects. They are easily spread from person to person wherever a lot of people touch the same objects, like doorknobs or handrails on the subway or a bus. Cold and flu viruses are also more likely to spread if people come into direct contact with each other, for instance by shaking hands or hugging.

The most effective way to protect yourself and others from these viruses is to stop them from spreading – for example, by carefully washing your hands frequently, coughing into your elbow rather than into your hands, regularly letting fresh air into the room, and throwing away used tissues.

A mask that covers your mouth and nose can help to stop the viruses from spreading.

Even after the symptoms have gone away, you are still contagious for up to one week. So it's a good idea to limit your contact with others to as few people as possible during this period, perhaps by working from home if you are able to.

A flu can also help protect you from flu viruses.


If you have the flu, it's most important to first get some rest until the symptoms go away. Many people turn to home remedies like chicken broth and herbal teas to relieve flu symptoms. Getting plenty to drink is also considered to be important. But there's no scientific proof that any of these things helps speed up recovery. So you don't necessarily have to use any of these remedies or drink more fluids than you feel like drinking.

A number of freely available products like vitamin supplements or inhalation devices are marketed for the treatment of colds, coughs and flus. But there's no compelling that they're effective against the flu. Painkillers such as acetaminophen (paracetamol), acetylsalicylic acid (ASA, the drug in medicines like Aspirin) and ibuprofen can relieve pain and reduce the fever. Children and teenagers shouldn't use acetylsalicylic acid, though, because it can cause a rare but dangerous side effect called Reye’s syndrome in these age groups.

In addition to these medications that you can get without a prescription, special flu medication is also available. The most common of these in Germany is oseltamivir (trade name: Tamiflu). Oseltamivir is prescription-only and needs to be taken within two days after the flu starts. It doesn't have any effect on the course of the flu if you have already had symptoms for longer than that. Some research suggests that oseltamivir can reduce the duration of the flu by up to one day. But it often causes nausea and vomiting. It's not clear whether it helps to prevent related illnesses and severe complications.

Some people think that will help in the treatment of the flu. But antibiotics are only effective against bacteria, not against viruses. So only help if you have a bacterial of the airways as well as a viral . Unless there are signs of bacterial , there's no point in taking .

Further information

When people are ill or need medical advice, they usually go to see their family doctor first. Information about health care in Germany can help you to navigate the German healthcare system and find a suitable doctor. You can use this list of questions to prepare for your appointment.

Ferroni E, Jefferson T. Influenza. BMJ Clin Evid 2011: pii: 0911.

Jefferson T, Del Mar CB, Dooley L et al. Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2020; (11): CD006207.

Jefferson T, Jones MA, Doshi P et al. Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in adults and children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014; (4): CD008965.

Robert Koch-Institut (RKI). Grippeschutzimpfung (Stand: 16.9.2022). Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen zur Schutzimpfung gegen Influenza. 2022.

Robert Koch-Institut (RKI). GrippeWeb. 2022.

Saunders-Hastings P, Crispo JA, Sikora L et al. Effectiveness of personal protective measures in reducing pandemic influenza transmission: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Epidemics 2017; 20: 1-20.

Smith SM, Sonego S, Wallen GR et al. Use of non-pharmaceutical interventions to reduce the transmission of influenza in adults: A systematic review. Respirology 2015; 20(6): 896-903.

Tejada S, Jansson M, Solé-Lleonart C et al. Neuraminidase inhibitors are effective and safe in reducing influenza complications: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Eur J Intern Med 2021; 86: 54-65.

IQWiG health information is written with the aim of helping people understand the advantages and disadvantages of the main treatment options and health care services.

Because IQWiG is a German institute, some of the information provided here is specific to the German health care system. The suitability of any of the described options in an individual case can be determined by talking to a doctor. can provide support for talks with doctors and other medical professionals, but cannot replace them. We do not offer individual consultations.

Our information is based on the results of good-quality studies. It is written by a team of health care professionals, scientists and editors, and reviewed by external experts. You can find a detailed description of how our health information is produced and updated in our methods.

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Updated on November 22, 2022

Next planned update: 2025


Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG, Germany)

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