Second opinion before surgery

Has your doctor recommended that you have surgery? For the types of surgical procedures listed below, you can get a second medical opinion from a specialist and talk through your decision free of charge (Note: This describes the situation in Germany). You will also find decision aids and further information to help with the decision.

The various types of surgical procedures:

What is a second opinion?

There is a legally mandated procedure for getting a second medical opinion for certain non-emergency procedures. That means that the doctor recommending one of procedures must inform you of your right to discuss the decision for or against the procedure a second time with another specialist.

This right applies to all of the procedures listed below.

When is a second opinion a good idea?

A lot of illnesses can be treated in more than one way. Often, none of the alternatives is ideal, and they each have their pros and cons. The best choice for you depends very much on your personal situation and your own preferences. Speaking to a second doctor can help when making a decision.

Some patients are reluctant to question doctors' recommendations. The second medical opinion procedure aims to make sure that all patients have the chance to make an informed decision in their own time.

How do I get a second opinion?

If one of the procedures listed above is recommended to you, the doctor normally has to tell you about your right to a second medical opinion at least ten days before the planned operation.

The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) has a leaflet with detailed information about your right to a second medical opinion.

If you feel you have enough information and don't have any further questions, you needn't do anything. The second opinion is a voluntary offer that you don't have to make use of.

If you would like a second medical opinion, you can find a list of the doctors you can contact below. You can also ask your health insurance provider about suitable specialists.

These doctors have special qualifications. What is more, they aren't allowed to work in the same practice or hospital as the first doctor. And they aren't allowed to work at the hospital where the operation will be done.

Once you have found a doctor for a second opinion, you can make an appointment to talk with them.

Will I be examined again?

The doctor needs any documents you have so far, such as medical reports and test results. You will be told which documents you need when you make the appointment. You can ask to take the medical reports with you at your first doctor's practice. Or have them sent directly to the second doctor. Both options are free of charge.

Generally, the second doctor will not examine you again; rather, they will read your file and ask any further questions they might have. The doctor will talk to you if they think further examinations would be a good idea.

What do I do with the second opinion?

The second doctor will discuss the recommendation with you. You are free to choose which treatment you think is best for you, so you can also cancel any operation appointments you might have already made.

You may also request a written summary if you like. You can have the recommendation sent to your first doctor.

Further support

You can find more support for making difficult decisions in "Gathering information and making a decision."

What treatment options are available?

There are various treatment options for diabetic foot problems. Our decision aid summarizes the pros and cons.

Finding a doctor to offer a second opinion

In Germany, you can call the medical on-call service 116117 (Arztsuche) to find a suitable doctor near you. This service is available in German only.

Further information

Here you can find detailed information about the symptoms, outlook and treatment.

What treatment options are available?

Finding a doctor to offer a second opinion

In Germany, you can call the medical on-call service 116117 (Arztsuche) to find a suitable doctor near you. This service is available in German only.

Further information

Here you can find detailed information about the symptoms, outlook and treatment.

Finding a doctor to offer a second opinion

In Germany, you can call the medical on-call service 116117 (Arztsuche) to find a suitable doctor near you. This service is available in German only.

Further information

Here you can find detailed information about the symptoms, outlook and treatment.

What treatment options are available?

There are various treatment options for cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) diseases – including cardiac catheterization and ablation. Our decision aids summarize the pros and cons.

Finding a doctor to offer a second opinion

In Germany, you can call the medical on-call service 116117 (Arztsuche) to find a suitable doctor near you. This service is available in German only.

Further information

Here you can find detailed information about the symptoms, outlook and treatment.

What treatment options are available?

There are various treatment options for cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) diseases – including the implantation of a or defibrillator. Our decision aids summarize the pros and cons.

Finding a doctor to offer a second opinion

In Germany, you can call the medical on-call service 116117 (Arztsuche) to find a suitable doctor near you. This service is available in German only.

Further information

Here you can find detailed information about the symptoms, outlook and treatment.

What treatment options are available?

There are various treatment options for osteoarthritis of the knee. Our decision aid summarizes the pros and cons.

Finding a doctor to offer a second opinion

In Germany, you can call the medical on-call service 116117 (Arztsuche) to find a suitable doctor near you. This service is available in German only.

Further information

Here you can find detailed information about the symptoms, outlook and treatment.

What treatment options are available?

There are various treatment options for shoulder problems. Our decision aid summarizes the pros and cons.

Finding a doctor to offer a second opinion

In Germany, you can call the medical on-call service 116117 (Arztsuche) to find a suitable doctor near you. This service is available in German only.

Further information

Here you can find detailed information about the symptoms, outlook and treatment.

What treatment options are available?

Finding a doctor to offer a second opinion

In Germany, you can call the medical on-call service 116117 (Arztsuche) to find a suitable doctor near you. This service is available in German only.

Further information

Here you can find detailed information about the symptoms, outlook and treatment.

IQWiG health information is written with the aim of helping people understand the advantages and disadvantages of the main treatment options and health care services.

Because IQWiG is a German institute, some of the information provided here is specific to the German health care system. The suitability of any of the described options in an individual case can be determined by talking to a doctor. can provide support for talks with doctors and other medical professionals, but cannot replace them. We do not offer individual consultations.

Our information is based on the results of good-quality studies. It is written by a team of health care professionals, scientists and editors, and reviewed by external experts. You can find a detailed description of how our health information is produced and updated in our methods.

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Please note that we do not provide individual advice on matters of health. You can read about where to find help and support in Germany in our information “How can I find self-help groups and information centers?

Über diese Seite

Updated on November 28, 2023

Next planned update: 2024


Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG, Germany)

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